Can the government refrain from imposing enforcement measures if it is not within the offender’s power to comply with a standard?

Can the government refrain from imposing enforcement measures if it is not within the offender’s power to comply with a standard? 2560 1742 SarisLaw

What should be done if a stakeholder makes a request to the government for enforcement to rectify violations in a scenario where the offender does not have full power to…

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Principle of relativity precludes a non-resident from relying on domiciliary rights upon entering a dwelling unlawfully

Principle of relativity precludes a non-resident from relying on domiciliary rights upon entering a dwelling unlawfully 2560 1707 SarisLaw

On 15 May 2019, the Administrative Jurisdiction Division (Division) ruled an important judgment for the administrative penalty practice concerning the alleged unlawful entry of a dwelling by a supervisor and…

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Change of working conditions legislation in the pipeline: combating labour market discrimination in recruitment and selection

Change of working conditions legislation in the pipeline: combating labour market discrimination in recruitment and selection 2560 1703 SarisLaw

In her letter to the House of Representatives of 11 July 2019, State Secretary of SZW announced that, after the summer of 2019, she would like to submit a bill…

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Company size matters: lower fines for part-time workers under the working conditions legislation

Company size matters: lower fines for part-time workers under the working conditions legislation 2560 1496 SarisLaw

On 7 November 2018, the Administrative Jurisdiction Division issued a final judgment that was important for the practice of fines imposed under the working conditions legislation. It stipulates that when…

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Dutch Data Protection Authority publishes new fining policy

Dutch Data Protection Authority publishes new fining policy 1000 614 SarisLaw

The Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA) has published its new Fining Policy rules 2019. The new policy was drafted in response to the lack of such guidelines at the European…

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