New rules on evidence in administrative penalty law? An overview of the most important findings of the opinion of Advocate General Keus

New rules on evidence in administrative penalty law? An overview of the most important findings of the opinion of Advocate General Keus 1000 667 SarisLaw

On 12 April 2017, advocate general Keus published his opinion in a case concerning administrative fines. This conclusion is important for the legal protection of citizens and companies confronted with fines, because it gives (more) guidance on the law of evidence in the case of administrative fines. Unlike in criminal law, in administrative law there are usually no legal rules on evidence. In this blog post, I will discuss the main findings in the opinion. These findings are largely a confirmation of existing case law. For those who are confronted with a fine, it is especially interesting how the principles formulated in the opinion will eventually be implemented in a concrete fine case. We have to await the outcome of the case until the Grand Chamber of the Administrative Law Division has ruled in this case.

The full blog post is written in Dutch.

Date: 22 April 2017
Author: Christien Saris