
Christien Saris authored an annotation to CJEU ruling dated 8 March 2022, ECLI:EU:C:2022:168, in: JV 2022:75. Crux: proportionality of national sanctions and direct effect of a directive.

Christien Saris authored an annotation to CRvB ruling dated 1 December 2020, ECLI:NL:CRVB:2020:3016, in: AB 2021/73.Crux: consequences of acquittal by the criminal court for the administration and court in the case of administrative enforcement.

Christien Saris authored an annotation to HR ruling dated 29 May 2020, ECLI:NL:RVS:2020:973, in: AB 2021/68.
Crux: Supreme Court provides framework for court’s reasoning on the level of administrative fines.

Christien Saris together with Frédérique ten Hove authored an annotation to the ABRvS ruling dated 15 May 2019, ECLI:NL:RVS:2019:1562, in: Gst. 2020/41.
Crux: principle of relativity precludes a non-resident from relying on domiciliary rights upon entering a dwelling unlawfully.

Christien Saris together with Diederik de Groot authored an annotation to the ABRvS ruling dated 23 January 2019, ECLI:NL:RVS:2019:195, in: AB 2020/147.
Topics: administrative fine, use of mystery guest in complying the Licensing and Catering Act.

Christien Saris together with Phinney Disseldorp authored an annotation to ABRvS ruling dated 7 November 2018, ECLI:NL:RVS:2018:3622, in: AB 2019/399.
Crux: The size of a company affects the amount of the fine.

Christien Saris authored an annotation to ABRvS ruling dated 3 October 2018, ECLI:NL:RVS:2018:3216, in: JV 2019/8.
Topics: Foreign (Nationals) Act, administrative fine, principle of proportionality.

Christien Saris together with Phinney Disseldorp authored an annotation to the ABRvS ruling dated 29 August 2018, ECLI:NL:RVS:2018:2845, in AB 2019/28.
Crux: The actual manager of a leased property is fined as being complicit in a violation of the Housing Act. Carrying out supporting activities is considered sufficient to be regarded as co-perpetrator.

Christien Saris together with Jake Tingen authored an annotation to the ABRvS ruling dated 14 March 2018, ECLI:NL:RVS:2018:870, in AB 2019/102.
Crux: Administrative Jurisdiction Division provides opportunity to remedy administrative breach in determining the amount of a health & safety fine.

Christien Saris together with Lisanne van Boven authored an annotation to the High Court ruling dated 9 February 2016, ECLI:NL:HR:2016:222, in: AB 2016/351.
Crucs: no ne bis in idem in criminal proceedings after the imposition of an administrative fine.

Christien Saris together with Pieter van der Woerd authored an annotation to the ABRvS ruling dated 8 July 2015, ECLI:NL:RVS:2015:2120, in AB: 2016/371.
Crux: administrative fine and financial strength: in certain circumstances, the financial situation of the parent company may be included when determining the financial standing of the subsidiary.

Christien Saris together with Lisa van der Maden authored an annotation to the ABRvS ruling dated 6 May 2015, ECLI:NL:RVS:2015:1421, in: AB 2015/291.
Crux: cumulative grounds for moderation in working conditions fining policy (old) are unreasonable and lead to a disproportionate fine.

Christien Saris authored an annotation to the ABRvS ruling dated 27 June 2012, ECLI:NL:RVS:2012:BW9561, in AB 2012/265.
Topics: fine imposed by the Dutch Media Authority (Commissariaat voor de Media), principle of equality, proportionality, culpability, prohibition of sponsorship, prohibition of servitude, ne bis in idem.

Christien Saris authored an annotation to the ABRvS ruling dated 1 December 2011, ECLI:NL:RVS:2011:BQ0302, in AB 2011/353.
Topics: Fine under the Foreign Nationals (Employment) Act, scope of the concept of employer, culpability, breach of the reasonable period of time.

Christien Saris authored an annotation to the ABRvS ruling dated 21 September 2011, ECLI:NL:RVS:2011:BT2154, in: AB 2011/372.
Topics: Fine under the Foreign Nationals (Employment) Act. Infringement of the obligation to state reasons.

Christien Saris authored an annotation to the President of the ABRvS ruling dated 12 September 2011, ECLI:NL:RVS:2011:BT2113, in: AB 2011/371.
Topics: Fine under the Foreign Nationals (Employment) Act. Application for suspension of the administrative fine. Irreversible financial consequences.

Christien Saris authored an annotation to the ABRvS ruling dated 18 May 2011, ECLI:NL:RVS:2011:BQ4956, in: AB 2011/313.
Topics: Fine under the Foreign Nationals (Employment) Act, lex mitior principle, Directive 2009/52, scope of the concept of employer.

Christien Saris authored an annotation to the ABRvS ruling dated 6 April 2011, ECLI:NL:RVS:2011:BQ0313, in: AB 2011/314.
Topics: Fine under the Foreign Nationals (Employment) Act, lex mitior principle, Directive 2009/52, scope of the concept of employer.

Christien Saris authored an annotation to the ABRvS ruling dated 12 January 2011, ECLI:NL:RVS:2011:BP0561, in: AB 2011/354.
Topics: Fine under the Foreign Nationals (Employment) Act, scope of the concept of employer.

Christien Saris authored an annotation to the ABRvS ruling dated 12 May 2010, ECLI:NL:RVS:2010:BM4186, in: AB 2011/315.
Topics: Fine under the Foreign Nationals (Employment) Act, lex mitior principle, scope of the concept of employer.

Enforcement of environmental law: a closer look at the National Environmental Law Enforcement Strategy [Handhaving van het omgevingsrecht: Landelijke Handhavingsstrategie Omgevingsrecht nader bekeken], in: VGR 2023/5, 2023

Nutcracker, Right to countercheck to a sample during an investigation by a supervisor? [Notenkraker, Recht op contra-expertise bij bestuursrechtelijk toezicht?], in: TvT 2022 / 2-3

Nutcracker, The grey area between supervision and detection: when is there not (longer) a matter of supervision? [Notenkraker, Het grijze gebied tussen toezicht en opsporing: Wanneer er geen sprake (meer) is van toezicht?], in: TvT nr. 1, 2021

Challenging enforcement decisions by financial supervisors under administrative law [Handhavingsbesluiten van financiële toezichthouders bestuursrechtelijk aanvechten], in: TFR nr. 5, 2020

Proportional fines in administrative law [Evenredige boeteoplegging in het bestuursrecht], in: JBplus 2015/4 (co-author Michiel van Emmerik)

The administrative fine and the review of proportionality, an empty shell? [De bestuurlijke boete en de evenredigheidstoets, een lege huls?] in: NTB no. 4, 2012

Lex silencio positivo in the General Administrative Law Act and Environmental Licensing (General Provisions) Act [De Lex silencio positivo in de Awb en Wabo], in: Bulletin RO Totaal no. 8, 2010

One year of the Spatial Planning Act! An overview of case law [Eén jaar Wet ruimtelijke ordening! Een overzicht van de jurisprudentie], in: Bulletin RO Totaal nos. 6 and 7, 2009

Prompt decision-making. Is the goal in sight with the Penalty Payment and Appeals (Overdue Decisions) Act and widening of the lex silencio positivo? [Tijdig beslissen. Het doel dichterbij met de Wet dwangsom en beroep bij niet tijdig beslissen en de verruiming van de lex silencio positivo?] in: Gst. 2008, 30

A bird’s eye view of the Mobility Act [De Wet bereikbaarheid en mobiliteit in vogelvlucht], in: BR 2008/48 (co-author Annemarie Drahmann)

Pre-advice VAR (Association for Administrative Law) “Proportional administrative fines” [Preadvies VAR (Vereniging voor bestuursrecht) “Evenredige bestuurlijke boetes“] (co-author Michiel van Emmerik, University of Leiden), as part of: Fines and other sanctions: a new perspective (VAR series 152) [Boetes en andere bestraffende sancties: een nieuw perspectief (VAR-reeks 152)]

Pre-advice Jonge VAR “Prompt decision-making – is the goal in sight?” [Preadvies Jonge VAR “Tijdig beslissen, het doel dichterbij?“], as part of: Late decision-making (Jonge VAR series 5) [Niet tijdig beslissen (Jonge VAR-reeks 5)]