
Court of Justice: prosecution of the directors of a company, after the companies have been punished for the same acts, is not in contradiction to the ne bis in idem principle

Court of Justice: prosecution of the directors of a company, after the companies have been punished for the same acts, is not in contradiction to the ne bis in idem principle 1000 666 SarisLaw

According to the Court of Justice, is the prosecution of the directors of a company, after the companies have been punished for the same acts, not in contradiction to the…

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Supreme Court: no ne-bis-in-idem in criminal proceedings for human trafficking after an administrative fine has been imposed for employing foreign nationals

Supreme Court: no ne-bis-in-idem in criminal proceedings for human trafficking after an administrative fine has been imposed for employing foreign nationals 1000 667 SarisLaw

In this case, an administrative fine imposed on an employer for employing a foreign national without a work permit and it’s subsequent criminal prosecution for human smuggling do not result…

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