
Can the government refrain from imposing enforcement measures if it is not within the offender’s power to comply with a standard?

Can the government refrain from imposing enforcement measures if it is not within the offender’s power to comply with a standard? 2560 1742 SarisLaw

What should be done if a stakeholder makes a request to the government for enforcement to rectify violations in a scenario where the offender does not have full power to…

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Use of access cards for waste that is stored in underground containers is in violation of the Personal Data Protection Act. The Dutch Data Protection Authority is taking enforcement action after all

Use of access cards for waste that is stored in underground containers is in violation of the Personal Data Protection Act. The Dutch Data Protection Authority is taking enforcement action after all 1000 504 SarisLaw

On 13 July 2017, the Court of Gelderland in preliminary relief proceedings rendered an important judgment on the processing of personal data when using an access card for waste that…

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