Administrative Jurisdiction Division confirms: the amount of fines in the penalty policy for employers’ obligations under Article 15 of the Foreign Nationals (Employment) Act are disproportionate

Administrative Jurisdiction Division confirms: the amount of fines in the penalty policy for employers’ obligations under Article 15 of the Foreign Nationals (Employment) Act are disproportionate 1000 668 SarisLaw

In its judgment of 14 December 2016, the Administrative Jurisdiction Division (Division) ruled that the standard amounts for fines in the penalty policy for violation by employers of Article 15 of the Foreign Nationals (Employment) Act (FNA) are disproportionate. Consequently, the Division starts from the standard amounts for fines for employers’ obligations in Article 15 of the FNA as they applied before the fine increase, before 1 January 2013. What is the lesson of this ruling for the fine practice?

The full blog post is written in Dutch.

Date: 1 May 2017
ECLI: ECLI:NL:RVS:2017:3340
Author: Christien Saris